Company policies

The goals we pursue every day

Quality policy

INGEO PROGETTI s.r.l. has always pursued Customer satisfaction through the performance of its business.
Furthermore, through the development of a Quality System, it was proposed to refine the processes, establishing the working and communication methods between the various functions, and to define the activities that govern the exchange of information between the Customer and the company.
The company therefore intends to pursue the following objectives:

  • define precise responsibilities in the management of each order;
  • maintain an organization with precise standards and methods for activities;
  • guarantee deliveries within the times agreed with the Customers;
  • ensure maximum flexibility in managing assignments;
  • sensitize personnel (at all levels) about the aspects of Quality and Customer expectations;
  • continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

Quality objectives, particular and verifiable in the medium term, affecting all Company activities and involving the various responsible functions, will be defined and verified from time to time during the review.
The methods, with which operationally take action for the pursuit of these objectives, are reported in the Quality Manual.
The Quality Manager will prepare and update the Quality System and verify its effectiveness.
In carrying out this activity, the Quality Manager will be able to rely on the company personnel he deems suitable and who will directly coordinate.

Safety and environmental policy

INGEO PROGETTI srl is fully aware that the adoption of a strategy aimed at the correct management of problems relating to safety and the environment is essential:

  • for your own success,
  • for the image of reliability towards its Customers,
  • for social responsibility towards other persons concerned.

It is the prerogative of INGEO PROGETTI to conduct its activities in such a way as to safeguard the environment and the safety of its employees and of those who act within the company or in external workplaces.
The company is constantly committed to the prevention of all accidents, injuries and occupational diseases through the active participation of each worker.

INGEO PROGETTI also recognizes that the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of environment and safety can lead to significant commercial and economic advantages; meeting, at the same time, the expectations for improvement expected from the sectoral and territorial context in which the company operates.


INGEO PROGETTI therefore undertakes to pursue a strategy of continuous improvement of its performance in terms of safety and the environment:

  • eliminating where possible the dangers for the safety of the operators and pollution for the environment,
  • identifying the dangers and correcting or controlling the specific risk situations of the sector and connected with its activities with particular reference to the construction of gas and methane pipelines,
  • reducing risks by adopting protection and control measures, in order to make them acceptable and compatible with long-term corporate objectives,
  • minimizing, where technically possible and economically sustainable, any negative impact on the environment of its activities, its products and other activities on which it may have an influence,

INGEO PROGETTI intends to implement the above by assuming the following commitments:

  • ensure that its activities are carried out in compliance with all the legal provisions in force at a community, national and local level relating to aspects relating to safety and the environment;
  • implement and maintain an effective Safety and Environmental Management System according to the requirements of the BS OHSAS 18001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 Standards;
  • minimize the environmental impact of the solutions offered through the proposal of alternative techniques and technologies;
  • disseminate the culture of Health and Safety also to external personnel through the involvement of the latter in the context of their activities carried out on construction sites;
  • implement every effort in organizational, operational and technological terms to prevent water and soil pollution in relation to the production of waste and the use of raw materials dangerous for the environment;
  • guarantee the correct management of waste by promoting differentiated collection and the reduction of waste produced in the technical-administrative area;
  • define safety and environmental objectives and goals, to be integrated with company management and development programmes;
  • also taking into account the management aspects in the field of safety and the environment on which the organization can have influence;
  • ensure that the Policy set out here and the related Management System are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization and that the System is supported by periodic and systematic review, verification and information activities;
  • education, awareness and training;
  • ensure that this document is available to the public.

INGEO PROGETTI riesamina periodicamente la presente politica, così come gli obiettivi ed i traguardi a breve e medio termine, mediante specifica attività svolta dalla Direzione.

Alcohol and drug policy

INGEO PROGETTI s.r.l. wants to guarantee a safe, healthy and productive work environment for all its employees and any external collaborators, therefore:

  • Aware of the fact that the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the use of drugs represents a danger to safety in the workplace, prohibits the possession, use, distribution and sale of alcohol and drugs on Company premises and in the construction sites where it operates. Failure to comply with this prohibition provides for adequate disciplinary action which can also lead to dismissal as envisaged by the category CCNL.
  • Reserves the right to carry out the checks required by current legislation, or to ascertain any abuses, following the operating procedures defined in the Provision of 18 September 2008 deriving from the agreement reached at the Permanent Conference for relations between the State/Regions.
  • To ensure safety in the workplace, reserves the right to change the employee’s duties, within the limits established by law, when the state of subjection to alcohol and drugs is such as to cause dangers, during the performance of the duties envisaged and in the performance of the services, to their own safety and that of their collaborators.
  • May terminate the employment relationship for justified reasons in the event that the employee’s suitability for the services envisaged is duly ascertained in the forms provided for by the Law and is deriving from a state of addiction to drugs or alcoholic beverages, even if subsequent to the treatment doctor.
  • Those who believe they depend on the aforementioned substances are invited to seek medical advice and follow a suitable therapeutic treatment, before their condition can negatively affect their working capacity and pose dangers to their own safety and that of collaborators.
  • The competent Doctor of INGEO PROGETTI s.r.l. is available to interested parties who wish to consult it for any information, voluntarily and strictly confidentially, also for collaboration for effective recovery. In this case, the assisted interested parties will be protected by the guarantees provided by current legal and contractual legislation, maintaining absolute respect for the dignity of the person.
  • It is recommended to avoid the use of drugs and alcoholic beverages even outside working hours and/or periods, if the effects may persist during subsequent work performance.
  • The Company has always been sensitive to these issues and in order to prevent its workers from becoming dependent, it has arranged that during some training/information sessions space should be reserved for information on the harm caused by alcohol and drugs, and in particular on the diseases caused by the use or abuse of these substances.
  • Lastly, it undertakes to request the adoption of this Policy by its Contractors, subcontractors or temporary business associations.

Social Responsibility Policy

INGEO PROGETTI s.r.l. has the project of spreading an ethically responsible organizational culture by managing its human assets, making them grow professionally to acquire and increase customer trust over time by respecting:

  • Local laws;
  • International Agreements / Recommendations;
  • The work ethic;
  • Freedom, dignity and rights of the individual;
  • Working conditions contrary to exploitation, unfair pay, inhumanity.

Based on the foregoing, the Company undertakes to:

  • Do not exploit minors;
  • Do not use corporal punishment and verbal abuse;
  • Not be discriminatory on race, nationality, religion, physical condition, political affiliation, gender, etc…;
  • Do not request “non-voluntary” overtime;
  • Obstacle the “undeclared work”;
  • Respect the right to trade union freedom;
  • Guarantee a clean, safe and suitable working environment;
  • Ensure working hours appropriate to industry standards and legislation in force;
  • Guarantee adequate remunerations for the duties covered;
  • Enhance your human resources;
  • Seeing one’s own collaborators as an added value of the structure;
  • See your customers as the result of the development of the implemented activities;
  • Disclose this Policy to all collaborators.

INGEO PROGETTI s.r.l. reiterates that this Policy is not only the description of principles, but is the commitment and guarantee for the needs of the community.

impegno sostenibilità ingeo progetti

Our commitment to Sustainability

A starting point for sharing the company's objectives in the process of continuous improvement of its social and environmental impact.


lavora con noi inego progetti

Work with Us

Management. Engineering. But first of all people. It is people who make the difference with their skills, passions and intuitions.


Lucrezia di Cartoceto

Tel.: +39 0721876031



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We are a certified company in accordance with ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environment Management System and ISO 45001 Health and Safety in the workplace.



Registered office: Via Circonvallazione Kennedy, 104 61030 Lucrezia di Cartoceto (PU) |Tax Code and VAT number 02138470410
Ph.:+39 0721 876031 | E-mail: | Pec: