we promote the culture of inclusion
La INGEO PROGETTI SRL, believes in treating all people with dignity, fairness, and inclusivity, recognizing, respecting, and valuing the diversity of individuals. The company considers providing equal opportunities and promoting a culture of inclusion as fundamental to the success of the company and the well-being of its people. To this end, it commits to developing a work environment based on meritocracy and individual well-being, open to dialogue and collaboration, where everyone can feel welcomed, respected, and free to express themselves and their potential. The development of a culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is an integral part of the company’s history and aligns with the Code of Ethics, which stipulates that everyone must act and communicate consciously, upholding and safeguarding universally recognized human rights and the themes of diversity and inclusion, respecting the principles of equality, impartiality, dignity and personal safety, and eliminating all forms of discrimination. Within this framework of principles and values, the present Gender Equality Policy is formulated, guiding the way the Organization pursues Gender Equality by implementing specific cultural and organizational measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the workplace, aiming to:
- Support at all levels the dissemination of a culture based on mutual respect for diversity and equal opportunities, with particular attention to gender, to promote the expression of each individual’s potential for the progress of the Organization;
- Ensure respect, equal opportunities, fairness, and meritocracy for everyone in all phases of the “people experience journey” in the workplace
- Promote a proper balance between professional and personal life for those working with the Organization, regardless of gender
- Enhance parenthood as an important moment of life and personal and professional growth for both mothers and fathers;
- Oppose and prevent any unlawful discrimination, as outlined in the Group’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy, with particular attention to gender and parenthood;
- Promote Gender Equality beyond the company’s boundaries in relations with Clients and Suppliers, Communities, and Territories where the Organization operates.
Through the implementation of a Gender Equality Management System compliant with UNI/PdR 125:2022, the Organization intends to formalize a cultural and organizational change process to achieve the objectives of Gender Equality.
By embodying the values of Attention, Passion, Continuous Learning and Innovation, Collaboration, Sustainability, and Responsibility, the Organization and all its people are committed in developing a culture and work environment that promotes Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Gender Equality, Female Empowerment, and safeguards the physical and psychological well-being of individuals, eliminating all obstacles to equal opportunities for men and women in the workplace, both culturally and organizationally, across the following processes:
The Organization consolidates recruitment and selection processes aimed at eliminating all forms of discrimination and ensuring fairness and meritocracy, valuing diversity. Therefore, job offers are constructed to be gender-neutral, written using inclusive language, and the selection of the most suitable candidate for each position is based solely on experience, skills, and competencies. Gender equality, biases, and stereotypes training is provided for those involved in these processes. During the onboarding process, the Organization emphasizes the importance placed on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender Equality, requiring its people to demonstrate this commitment in their daily work through language, behaviors, and actions, thereby helping the Organization provide equal opportunities in the workplace and prevent bullying, harassment, victimization, and discrimination.
The Organization recognizes the value of continuous learning and makes training and development opportunities easily accessible to all its people, paying particular attention to EDI and Gender Equality topics, encouraging everyone to develop their potential so that individual talents and resources can contribute to maximizing the Organization’s efficiency.
The Organization has developed performance evaluation processes based on responsibilities, competencies, and results, encouraging constructive and respectful dialogue between Managers and Employees. It ensures that evaluation tools are easily accessible and usable, conducting dedicated training sessions to support Evaluators and those being evaluated in conducting evaluations and providing feedback without bias. Internal mobility opportunities are available for all staff, allowing them to apply for open positions posted on the Organization’s intranet, ensuring that promotions are based on merit, defined, and measured transparently through objective criteria related to the work context, utilizing performance and potential evaluation tools. The Organization promotes the adoption of inclusive leadership styles and the creation of balanced gender succession plans.
The Organization’s remuneration policy is driven by the principles of objectivity, fairness, and transparency, through a neutral position evaluation system based on clear, objective, and shared organizational criteria, valuing the different responsibilities of roles and defining their remuneration based on their relative importance within the organization. The Organization ensures equal growth and development opportunities, recognizing merit within each role, with fixed salary adjustments and variable incentive systems based on the recognition of responsibilities, results achieved, and quality of professional contribution. Pay equity is built and guaranteed according to a total reward logic that combines monetary and non-monetary compensation, such as welfare and well-being solutions, training and development, and a conducive work environment.
In respect of the individual and regulations, the Organization fully supports the right to maternity and paternity leave, encouraging shared participation in all aspects of this important life event. The Organization is committed to informing, protecting, supporting, and valuing individuals before, during, and after periods of leave for maternity, paternity, and illness, ensuring that individuals and their teams face these moments in an aware, constructive, and inclusive manner. The Organization provides continuous access to the company intranet for its people, sharing significant company events and changes.
The Organization considers collaboration, mutual assistance, and a spirit of service among colleagues as full expressions of the principle of respect for people. In its commitment to supporting the physical and psychological well-being of its people and their families, the Organization offers flexible work solutions compatible with the characteristics of organizational roles and capable of meeting expressed work-life balance needs, implementing a diversified corporate welfare plan with specific attention to:
- Consolidating and maintaining work-life balance and flexible work arrangements;
- Consolidating family welfare services and valuing parenthood.
The Organization considers it essential to listen to its people and involve them in the continuous improvement process of the people experience journey it creates for them. Therefore, it periodically conducts surveys of the entire workforce to monitor the perception of organizational and individual well-being, with specific reference to Equity, Inclusion, and Gender Equality issues. The commitment to pursuing Equity, Gender Equality, valuing diversity, and Female Empowerment shapes the company’s choices, language, and overall communication style, directly impacting internal and external company communications, marketing, and advertising. Attention to these topics also influences choices regarding membership in associations and participation in events, ensuring, whenever possible, a balanced gender representation among speakers at events promoted by the Organization.
By formulating and implementing the Strategic Plan, the Gender Equality Steering Committee identifies the objectives to pursue for achieving Gender Equality and reports on their progress over time, integrating them into daily behaviors, language, actions, and activities.
The Organization adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bullying, harassment, victimization, defamation, or any other offensive behavior based on individual characteristics or that may humiliate, offend, intimidate, or insult others, whether perpetrated by Employees, Workers, Candidates, Clients, Suppliers, Visitors, or any other Stakeholders, and considers reports of such incidents occurring during work activities. Anyone who believes they have been discriminated against or treated unfairly based on gender or has observed a lack of Gender Equality in the workplace is encouraged to report it through the reporting channel, in line with the “Whistleblowing Global Policy,” without fear of retaliation. Violations of this Policy may trigger the application of appropriate and proportionate disciplinary sanctions, also taking into account any criminal relevance of the behavior. All reports concerning violations (or suspected violations) of Gender Equality will be brought to the attention of the Steering Committee.
The Organization makes the Gender Equality Policy available on its website, applied “for” and “by” everyone in the company (Administrators, Board members, current and potential Employees in relations with Colleagues, Clients, Suppliers, and other Stakeholders). The Gender Equality Policy is dynamic and is annually reviewed by Management together with the Gender Equality Committee, which holds the responsibility for its implementation, making adjustments as needed based on changing circumstances.
Lucrezia di Cartoceto, July 1, 2024
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