Our commitment to Sustainability

Improving the relationship with the environment and protecting the planet for future generations

Sustainability is a very important and current issue that concerns the way we as human beings live and interact with the world around us. Developing a discourse on sustainability can be an occasion to reflect on how we can improve our relationship with the environment and protect our planet for future generations.

INGEO PROGETTI’s commitment to sustainability refers to the set of actions and strategies it adopts to minimize the environmental impact of its activities, promote social justice and ensure responsible and ethical management of resources.
In particular, INGEO PROGETTI adopts practices such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the use of renewable energy sources, the recycling of materials, the adoption of ethical criteria in the selection of suppliers, the attention to the working conditions of its employees and the active involvement of the local communities in which it operates.

Specifically, the actions undertaken are:


  • Installation and use of solar panels for the production of electricity;
  • Recycling of materials used;
  • Sustainable fueled car fleet
  • Low environmental impact lighting
  • Use of systems that minimize the movement of resources (virtual meetings, sharing of documents in the Cloud, team planning … in other words: real smart working).


  • Highly qualified workforce (about 90 employees plus 50 collaborators), 30% of which is made up of women, some of whom occupy leadership and managerial positions.
  • 40% of university graduated
  • Average age 40, at least 30 employees are under 35


  • Enhancement of professionalism and talents;
  • Transparent and meritocratic management;
  • Promotion of dialogue with people (employees, collaborators, suppliers and clients);
  • Continuous training;
  • Correct management of privacy.

INGEO PROGETTI, as part of the development of its program for the adoption of actions aimed at the creation of environmentally and socially sustainable systems, has acquired shares in HPH, an innovative start-up in the field of green hydrogen production systems.

INGEO PROGETTI has joined OPEN-ES, a system initiative to involve all companies in a common path of improvement and growth on sustainability performance.

INGEO PROGETTI also adheres to the initiatives of CDP (ex Carbon Disclosure Project), one of the main non-profit organizations for the evaluation of transparency in the dissemination of information by companies on the subject of climate change.

Certificate 2021_Snam

INGEO PROGETTI has recently achieved a significant milestone in sustainability by obtaining the Synesgy Certification from Italgas.

certificate synesgy
ingeo progetti profilo azienda

Company profile

Since 2003 we have been providing Mono/Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services for the construction of pipelines and plants in the Onshore and Offshore Oil&Gas sectors


lavora con noi inego progetti

Work with Us

Management. Engineering. But first of all people. It is people who make the difference with their skills, passions and intuitions

lavora con noi


Lucrezia di Cartoceto

Tel.: +39 0721876031



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We are a certified company in accordance with ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environment Management System and ISO 45001 Health and Safety in the workplace.



Registered office: Via Circonvallazione Kennedy, 104 61030 Lucrezia di Cartoceto (PU) |Tax Code and VAT number 02138470410
Ph.:+39 0721 876031 | E-mail: amministrazione@ingeoprogetti.com | Pec: ingeoprogetti@pec.it